Ways to Give

Donations/ Offerings

To give your donations/offerings using bank transfer please see details below. It is very important that the payment reference is used, as provided.

UK Bank Transfer

Account Name: Portsmouth SDA Church

Sort Code: 524132

Account number: 07071280

Reference: use word ‘offering’ or 'donation'

Send us an email ( with a breakdown of your offering/donation.

Bank Name: NATWEST

Returning Tithes

Pay by card- to the South England Conference Tithes, offerings and donations | South England Conference. You will need to select Portsmouth Church from the list of churches. Payment can be made as a one off or recurring donations.

Gift Aid

Members who are UK tax payers can particpate in Gift Aid donations.  Register for Gift Aid | South England Conference. Churches can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give.